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Content federation: The next stage of composability

Content federation: The next stage of composability

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

29 Sep, 2023

The pitfalls of composability

The pitfalls of composability

Bryan Robinson

Bryan Robinson

29 Sep, 2023


First blog

First blog

First blog excerpt

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

29 Sep, 20231min read
Creating a learning platform with Next.js 13 app router

Creating a learning platform with Next.js 13 app router

Based on the schema and content model we created in the previous part of this series, we will produce a Next.js site using Hygraph data.

Bryan Robinson

Bryan Robinson

29 Sep, 20231min read
Content federation: The next stage of composability

Content federation: The next stage of composability

Content federation makes transitioning to a composable architecture easier and provides a solid foundation for building a composable stack. Let's find out how.

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

Mukhammadjon Solijonov

29 Sep, 20231min read
The pitfalls of composability

The pitfalls of composability

Enterprises can use composable architecture to create their technology stacks from best-of-breed solutions. By adopting composable architecture and technologies, companies can pivot and adapt to take advantage of new business opportunities

Bryan Robinson

Bryan Robinson

29 Sep, 20231min read

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